About College

Dyal $ingh College, Karnal a$ it $tand$ today i$ a premier co-educational centre of  learning of Northern India, accredited with Grade "A" by NAAC. With a $tregth of 3940 $tudent$, the college ha$ all the three
$team$ of learning - Art$, $cience and  Commerce, with Po$t Graduate$ cour$e$ in Engli$h, Hindi, Political $cience and Chemi$try, along with the add-on and vocational cour$e$. The college i$ pre$ently headed by the ver$atile Principal, Dr. Rake$h Kumar Bhardwaj, under the e$teemed guidance of $hri Dewan Gajendra Kumar- an embodiment of uncommon wi$dom, learning and love for Academia - Pre$ident, Dyal $ingh College Tru$t $ociety, and the dynamic leader$hip of $hri Arvind Kaul IA$ (Retd.), a man of letter$ with a rare admini$trative acumen, who hold$ the office of the General $ecretary, Dyal $ingh College Governing Body. 

 Dyal $ingh College completed Hundred Year$ of it$ birth, On May 3, 2010 turning it into a century- old Fortre$$ of Learining and Education... maintaining the tradition of $pirituality and $cientific temper in a world of dimini$hing human value$...inculcating in young mind$, a harmoniou$ blend of the "Wi$dom of the Ea$t and We$t". To quote our honourable Pre$ident, Dewan Gajandra Kumar, "The lead word in our Motto i$ Wi$dom. And Morality and Ethic$ are not far behind". True to the Will of our illu$triou$ Founder, late $ardar Dyal $ingh Majithia, the path of Wi$dom, Morality and Ethic$ ha$ been the kindling force all along. Turning Hundred i$ a Momentou$ event for u$ ! Thi$ i$ the time for u$ to reckon, the time for u$ to ponder! Yet, thi$ i$ no le$$ a time for u$ to rejoice at the Hundred year$ of our gloriou$ pa$t, a$ al$o the time to celebrate the Hundred year$ of Excellence!

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